Monday, May 4, 2009

Stick Figure Family

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Make your Stick Figure Family at

Too much too fast??

Well, James and I got our gym memberships on Friday.. We started working out on Saturday. I'm really proud of us! BUT on top of that we are trying to quit smoking and eat a lot better!! We've been eating pretty well for a while now! And we've been talking about quitting smoking for a really long time! Between the two of us it's usually 10- 14 packs a week. Last week was only 3!!

I guess I just worry that since we are doing all of this at once that I'm going to back down from the challenge and go back to ALL my bad habits (I'm that person who will do really good for a few days then forget that I wanted to do it in the first place and give up)!! So far James is the VERY BEST sidekick for this life change!!! He is so motivated and he wants us to do this more than anything!! I guess I've just been too LAZY too long!! So now every morning I wake up and I just tell myself that these changes are the best things for My Family and I!

I think the hardest thing so far has been the realization that I can no longer have Carbs all day everyday :( My favorite foods are pastas, sandwiches, Chips, ANYTHING with tons of carbs..
I hate giving things up!! As you can tell!! LOL!

Kaida seems very happy with our new found energy and the fact that we count some of our park time as working out is an added bonus for all three of us!! Chasing a 3 year old can get the heartbeat going!!

Well! So far so good! I know one things for sure! I love doing this with the Hubby! If it wasn't for him I probably would still be complaining about being a fat lazy smoker! He gives me the motivation I need to stick with this! In a weird way I think that him always encouraging me and telling me that we are doing good and we just have to try harder helps him stay focused too!

Thank god for wonderful (soon to be) Husbands in this world and for the willpower to give up the things that hold you back!! SO HAPPY!